Distances from Mata-Utu

Distances from Mata-Utu to the largest cities and places in Wallis and Futuna. Have a closer look at the distances from Mata-Utu to the largest places in Wallis and Futuna.

You can sort the distances from Mata-Utu to the largest places in Wallis and Futuna by distancealphabeticallyby population
1 - 21 of 21 places
Distances from Mata-Utu to the largest places in Wallis and Futuna
Liku Liku1.6961.7 km 1.1 mishow
Alele Alele2.6294.0 km 2.5 mishow
Falaleu Falaleu3.6261.6 km 1.0 mishow
Utufua Utufua4.6227.1 km 4.4 mishow
Vaitupu Vaitupu5.6016.3 km 3.9 mishow
Akaka Akaka6.5890.6 km 0.4 mishow
Halalo Halalo7.5638.3 km 5.2 mishow
Ahoa Ahoa8.4956.9 km 4.3 mishow
Leava Leava9.480242 km 151 mishow
Vailala Vailala10.4517.5 km 4.6 mishow
Kolia Kolia11.437237 km 147 mishow
Haafusia Haafusia12.4262.3 km 1.4 mishow
Vele Vele13.309234 km 146 mishow
Teesi Teesi14.2848.4 km 5.2 mishow
Gahi Gahi15.2806.4 km 4.0 mishow
Tepa Tepa16.2444.9 km 3.1 mishow
Tavai Tavai17.244241 km 150 mishow
Tufuone Tufuone18.2407.5 km 4.7 mishow
Alo Alo19.239239 km 148 mishow
Haatofo Haatofo20.2365.5 km 3.4 mishow
Kolopopo Kolopopo21.1718.5 km 5.3 mishow

1 - 21 of 21 places